Battery for Vape, Vaping

Battery for Vape

How To Choose Your Batteries

A blog about battery for vape.

Batteries are an essential part of vaping, and it’s important to understand the different types of batteries that are available as well as how to properly care for them. There are three main types of batteries used in vaping: disposable, built-in, and external. Disposable batteries are the most common type of battery used in vaping, and they’re usually lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are relatively inexpensive and easy to find, but they don’t last as long as other types of batteries. Built-in batteries are another type of battery used in vaping, and these are typically rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. These batteries tend to last longer than disposable batteries, but they’re more expensive. External batteries are the third type of battery used in vaping, and these are usually larger, more powerful lithium-ion batteries. External batteries can provide more power than built-in or disposable batteries, but they’re also more expensive and can be more difficult to find. Battery safety is an important consideration when vaping, and there are a few things you can do to help ensure your safety. First, always use the proper charger for your battery type. Second, never leave your battery unattended while it’s charging. Finally, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for caring for your battery. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your battery lasts for a long time and stays safe while you vape.

Types of batteries

Types of batteries
Types of batteries

There are many different types of batteries out there, and it can be hard to keep track of which ones can be used for what. 18650 batteries are a type of battery that is commonly used for laptops, torches, power drill batteries, etc. Vapes were then made to work with these batteries. For those who are looking for batteries for your vape, the most common battery found online would be called INR or IMR. The ‘I’ stands for Lithium-Ion, the ‘N’ stands for Nickel and the ‘R’ stands for a round cell battery. The ‘M’ in IMR stands for Manganese. Both INR and IMR can be safely used with vapes. Another type of battery can is commonly seen but cannot be used is ICR batteries, where the ‘C’ stands for Cobalt. The reason why you can’t use an ICR battery in a vape is because even though it may be rated as an 18650 battery, it’s actually a bit taller than your standard INR and IMR battery. When buying batteries for you vape, be sure to check what kind of battery it uses so that you don’t accidentally buy the wrong one.

As any vaper knows, batteries are essential for powering your device. 18650 batteries are a popular choice, but did you know that there are actually two slightly different variations? As shown in the image above, the 2 variants are Flat Top and Button Top 18650 Batteries. In vape devices in particular, only flat top batteries are used. Button Top batteries are more commonly used in devices such as torches where the contact points are spring loaded, because the Button Top protrudes out ever so slightly making them not fit in vapes. So next time you’re shopping for batteries, be sure to check which type you need for your device.


As we all know, there are many brands of batteries on the market today. We have the mainstream brands like Samsung, Sony and LG. Then we have other brands like Effect, Golisi, Vapcell and the list can go on. While there are many different brands of batteries on the market, when we refer to batteries for vapes, there are 3 main factors that you need to consider (1) Amps, (2) Volts and (3) Milliamp Hours. All the different brands in the market all reference the same 3 main factors to determine the performance of each battery they sell. Traditionally speaking, maximum continuous current(A) means the strength of the battery, the milliamp hour (mah) is how long a battery lasts and volts (V) which is the nominal voltage in which the battery will be at its weakest. Yes, we agree, super confusing, but don’t worry. We’re here to help clear things up so that you can make an informed decision when it comes time to purchase batteries for you vape.

Types of Size

vape batteries size
Vape batteries size

There are many types of batteries, and each box mod uses different types of batteries and the required battery will always be specified by the manufacturer for your box mod. In the year 2020, the most common batteries used are 18650 and 21700. These numbers must sound very confusing at first but there is a hidden meaning to them. For example, an 18650 battery, to break this down, the meaning of the name 18650 is the battery is 18mm wide, 65mm tall and the last zero means that the battery is round. 18650 batteries are the most common batteries used in modern day vapes. Similarly, 21700 batteries get their name because it is 21mm 70mm tall and the last zero means that it’s a round battery.  Types of batteries happen to be very essential when talking about vaping because certain box mods will only work with specific types of batteries. It’s always important to do your research on which type of battery will fit your device before making a purchase. Not all batteries are created equal and they also don’t all function in the same way. Some will offer more power than others and some will last longer than others. It’s important to find the right balance for you and your device.

Volts(V) vs Amps(A) vs Milliamp Hours (MAH)

Volts(V), Amps(A), and MilliAmp Hours (MAH) are all units of measurement that are important to understand when discussing electronic cigarettes and vaping in general. volts measure the force at which electrons flow in a circuit. In simple terms, the more volts a battery has, the more “power” it has. Volts are represented by the letter “V”. amps measure the rate of electron flow or current in a circuit. The amp limit is important because if too much current is drawn from a battery, it can overheat and possibly catch fire. The letter “A” is used to represent amps. MAH measures capacity and is specifically used to measure batteries. Batteries are rated by how many milliamp hours they can provide before they need to be recharged. For example, a 3000mAh battery can provide 3000mA for one hour before it needs to be recharged. Using this information, we can see that an 18650 battery with a maximum capacity of 3000mAh would not be able to power a device that requires 15A of continuous current. However, 18650 batteries are still commonly used in vaping devices because they are small and lightweight while still being able to provide a fair amount of power. When looking for batteries to use in your vaping device, be sure to pay attention to the voltage, amperage, and capacity ratings to ensure that you are choosing a safe and compatible battery.

A 21700 battery is the same when it comes to nominal voltage. So, the nominal voltage is 3.6v and when fully charged a 21700 battery will be at 4.2v. The most obvious difference is the physical. With the size difference, there are a few positive factors to point out. Being that the battery is physically bigger compared to an 18650, it means that there can be more cells leading to an increase in the maximum current and milliamp hours inside that battery, giving you a longer battery life and harder hitting vaping experience. It all sounds great and all but then why don’t all vapes use a 21700 battery. The main is the market is already flooded with box mods that use 18650 batteries, to change them means that they will need to put more money into research and development to introduce. To break it down in simpler terms, Volts(V) measure the force or pressure at which electricity flows while Amps(A) measures the amount of electricity flowing through a circuit. When it comes to batteries, MAH tells you how much charge or energy a battery can hold which directly translates into how long your device will run before needing to be recharged again. Going back to our original question, since 21700 batteries have a higher MAH rating, it simply means that they can store and deliver more power compared to an 18650 making them ideal for high- Drain devices such as e-cigs or box mods.

Ace Vape Recommendation

Ace Vape Recommends Samsung Batteries

At Ace Vape Melbourne, we only stock the best vape products on the market and that includes batteries. We recommend Samsung batteries because they are produced to a high standard.

Some people may argue that there are other battery brands out there that are just as good but what you need to bear in mind is that batteries are extremely expensive to design and manufacture. That’s why you commonly see brands such as Samsung, Sony and LG around when it comes to these types of batteries.

When batteries are produced and tested, they will be sorted out to see if they meet the required specification. The batteries that meet the specification will have the company’s name stamped on it. The batteries that don’t meet the specification are sold to companies that don’t make their own batteries.

So, when you buy a Samsung battery, you know that it’s been through a rigorous testing process and meets all the required standards. That’s why we recommend them here at Ace Vape Melbourne.

At Ace Vape Melbourne, we only stock the best vape products on the market and that includes batteries. We recommend Samsung batteries because they are produced to a high standard.

Some people may argue that there are other battery brands out there that are just as good but what you need to bear in mind is that batteries are extremely expensive to design and manufacture. That’s why you commonly see brands such as Samsung, Sony and LG around when it comes to these types of batteries.

When batteries are produced and tested, they will be sorted out to see if they meet the required specification. The batteries that meet the specification will have the company’s name stamped on it. The batteries that don’t meet the specification are sold to companies that don’t make their own batteries.

So, when you buy a Samsung battery, you know that it’s been through a rigorous testing process and meets all the required standards. That’s why we recommend them here at Ace Vape Melbourne.

Samsung 30Q 

Looking for a great battery that won’t break the bank? The Samsung 30Q is a great option. With 3000mAh and a maximum continuous current of 15amps, it performs flawlessly while giving you good battery life. It’s well priced at only $12 each, and is suitable for nearly any box mod. Plus, the Samsung 30Q is backed by Samsung’s reputation for quality, so you can be sure it’ll give you the performance you’re looking for. So, if you’re in the market for a great battery that won’t let you down, the Samsung 30Q should definitely be at the top of your list.

Samsung 40T 

The Samsung 40T is a much more powerful battery than the 30Q, measuring at 3900mah and with a maximum continuous current of 30amps. Considering that the Samsung 40T offers so much more power, it’s priced well at $25. The Samsung 40T is the perfect choice for those who need a more powerful battery for their vaping devices, as it offers more than enough power to satisfy even the most demanding vapers. With its high amperage and large capacity, the Samsung 40T is sure to keep you vaping all day long without needing to recharge. So, if you’re looking for a powerful and reliable battery for your vaping needs, the Samsung 40T is the perfect choice.

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